- American Quarter Horse Association
- Equine Coat Color, Wikipedia
- Equitrekking tv show
- Famous Horses
- American Pharoah, won the 2015 Triple Crown
- Black Jack, last U.S. Army horse, the boots-reversed horse in funerals
- Champion, Gene Autry’s horse
- Cincinnatti, Gen. Grant’s horse
- Commanche, survived the Battle of the Little Big Horn
- Dan Patch, renowned pacer of early 1900s
- Rienzi, Gen. Sheridan’s horse
- Seabiscuit, race horse
- Secretariat, race horse
- Silver, the Lone Ranger’s horse
- Traveller, Robert E. Lee’s horse
- Trigger, Roy Rogers’ horse
- Films about horses
- The Harness Edge
- Harness Link
- Horse, Wikipedia
- The Horse
- Horse and Rider
- Horse Breeds
- Horse Colors
- Horse of a Different Color in the Wizard of Oz; YouTube
- HorseWeb; horses for sale
- The Jockey Club
- Kentucky Horse Park
- Monty Roberts– the Man Who Listens to Horses
- Sit the canter comfortably
- Standardbred Canada
- Think Like A Horse: Natural Horsemanship
- Thirty Best Horse Movies, HorseChannel
- Thirty Best Horse Movies, Horselicks
- Thoroughbred Racing
- Top Ten Horse Magazines
- TrailMeister
- Trusty Steeds from the B-Westerns
- United States Equestrian Federation
- Western Horseman
- Video links:
- Bowline knot: makes any sized loop in the end of a rope
- Bowline knot: animated
- A one-handed bowline knot
- Controlling a galloping horse
- Controlling and sitting the canter
- Correcting a horse that moves away when mounting
- Getaway hitch
- Horses that spook
- Mounting and dismounting a horse
- Mounting and dismounting a horse
- Posting in slow motion
- Putting a halter on a horse
- Saddle a horse western style
- Sheet bend knot: used in putting a halter on a horse
[sheet: a rope that goes to the lower corner of a square sail
to bend: to attach
sheet bend knot: a knot used to tie a rope to the lower corner of a square sail] - Sitting the trot, Gilbert Gonzales
- Sitting the trot
- Stopping a runaway horse
- Teach your horse to stand still while mounting
- Western saddle a horse